Thomas is that rarity in the Merseyside media world - a journalist who is serious about his trade and genuinely cares about the future of Liverpool and the way that it is governed.
He is also rare amongst his fellow Liverpool scribes in actually being interested in what goes on (or doesn't, ed) in the corridors of power and trying to cover it in his paper!
Thomas it was, in May 2005, who first published the exclusive details of evil Henshaw's threats to the then leader of the council, Mike Storey.
From that point on Henshaw's attempted coup d'etat was doomed to failure.
Having become public knowledge thanks to some judicous and well-informed leaking to the Post by at least one council employee, the diddy dictator's days were well and truly numbered (well done, all concerned, ed).
Of course, ever since then, the Post has consistently put the Echo to shame with its revelations about the evilcabal and the goings on at the Town Hall.
Thomas has never been any fan of Henshaw's personal style of bullying, threats and intimidation and has been well aware of all the sordid, ugly tactics used by the cabalists.
His personal views are well known, even if he has been constrained from expressing them in the pages of the Post.
But he has ensured that the Post keep tabs on it all - and maintains an informed and knowledgeable perspective.
We will, of course, hammer the life out of him if he seeks to take the Daily Post downmarket to keep the Echo company.
Or if he gives up the Posts's interest in the city council and Culture Company.
We will also take him apart if the Post's sponsorship deal with the Culture Company stops it exposing the failings of 2008. Which is a concern of journalists.
But somehow we don't think that will happen. Given the restrictions Thomas has to work within, we think the Post is in good hands.
Three cheers for Mark Thomas!
Mark do the right thing and we will always support you.
Well as he has already prooven his worth by publisising the antics EVIL one and his CABAL friends, he has my interest and approval.
Let's hope as you said he does not become part of the Trinity establishment.
Congratulations to Mark Thomas, we will be watching him closely.
Sounds like at long last we have the seeds of a good(honest)team lining up with what you say about John Kelly and Mark Thomas.
Heaven help us if you are wrong - I am still concerned though that we still have so many cabalists still hanging round like a bad smell - What can we do to expedite their exit?
To get fully rid of all the stench of corruption from Liverpool for once and for all, it is simple!
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