Tuesday, February 06, 2007

good conspiracy theory...

tom said...
im surprised that you have not said this before, but the cuts crisis is all part of the smiling assasin halsall's revenge.
as you have rightfully said already he has been in charge of the council's finances for the last six years so any crisis with cuts is his responsibility.
except what is going to happen to him? nothing. they cant touch him for it. this he knows.
so he haS gone out of his way to manufacture this financial cock-up firstly to embarrass warren bradley, who the assassin loathes, ands then secondly once this has all sunk in, halsall will ride to the rescue with a balanced budget showing bradley how indispensable he is
and how he can dig the lib dems out of a financial hole at any time. or put them in one. simple really.

Tuesday, February 06, 2007 9:58:00 PM


Anonymous said...

the little ....."blighter".... i suppose the Wet Nelly's will just shrug and do as he says and be grateful as usual

Anonymous said...

Perhaps he'll have to reduce Chas's cut

Anonymous said...

They cannot outwit me, they never will!
Why do you think I am still here?

Anonymous said...

vis-a-vis the summer pops and halsall's mate chas...why was it that six weeks ago at an entirely different meeting, the harbarrowboy and his american accomplice kris donalson were telling anyone who would listen that if chas didn't get the Pops then no-one would. and that he was the best person to do it again in 2008. what did they know and when? and i thought these decisions were made by councillors? what a stitch up, aided and abetted incidentally by your mates at the daily post who swallowed a briefing from the council and chas cole, hook line and sinker. portraying him as a great benefactor for giving us the pops for the last six years (how much did he make?) and again trotting out the line that his was the best tender! it is literally unbelievable. aside from the two press releases that were sent out on this, halsall was very active in talking to journalists....